b i y o r i ꕤ c a f e

いらっしゃいませ! ꕤ welcome



Hi there! I'm glad you found biyori cafe, a collective for projects owned and run by Yen. I've returned to the small web as of 2023, so things are still getting started. Please bear with me as I slowly put content on this website. Happy exploring!

This website serves as a reminiscent of my early days as a web master / web designer. That was 17 years ago. Now, I am a boring adult trying to get through life. I have a job that I love, but I feel like I was the most creative when I was in my teens. That pushed me to create this site and go back to the nostalgic times when I designed and coded my website.

Most things here will probably be personal. As a boring adult, I won't have much to offer. But if you think we click, I'll be happy to have a buddy through Neocities.

I've just recently started this website and I will slowly build it. Stay tuned!


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